L'appel à projets pour Tutator Forward 2023 est désormais clos.

La phase de présélection se terminera dans :


L'appel à projets pour Tutator Forward 2023 est désormais clos.

La phase de présélection se terminera dans :


"Promouvoir des services sociaux axés sur les personnes"

Qui sommes-nous?

Fondation Tutator is a Swiss non-profit organization that is part of Tutator Group, a set of social enterprises and foundations around the world, formed by engineers with roots in Silicon Valley, software developers, and human rights experts, with an extensive international experience in the technology industry and the social sector.

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Nous sommes un soir du printemps 1999 à Menlo Park, au cœur de la Silicon Valley. Marie et Gilles Concordel, un couple d’ingénieurs entrepreneurs, se trouvent, presque malgré eux

Document available only in French

Nos domaines d'intérêt

Notre champ d'action est large et ne se limite pas à des domaines spécifiques. Nous avons actuellement des projets dans la santé, l'éducation, la gouvernance, la justice, etc. et nous sommes toujours à la recherche d'opportunités dans d'autres domaines.

Nos partenaires préférés

Nous apprécions de collaborer avec des organisations qui perçoivent le besoin de s'améliorer. Nous avons appris que nous pouvons apporter de la valeur à une organisation seulement si le besoin de changement est ressenti à tous les niveaux, et pas seulement par quelques dirigeants visionnaires à la tête de l'organisation.

Nous cherchons à établir des partenariats avec des organisations qui présentent les qualités suivantes :

La bonne stratégie
La bonne stratégie
Approche holistique et "do no harm"
Les bénéficiaires comme acteurs du changement
Les bonnes priorités
Impact et durabilité
La bonne mesure d'impact

The Right Approach​

Holistic and Do no harm​

Each community relies on a very delicate balance where any small change can have unwanted consequences. Any social service or social project should:

Understand the global needs of the beneficiaries, not just a single aspect.

Adapt the services to the needs of the community, keeping an eye on the big picture.

Evaluate all the consequences of the activity, for the beneficiaries themselves, of course, but also for their family and their community.

Watch for undesirable unintended consequences and correct immediately when they arise.

The Right Focus

Les bénéficiaires comme acteurs du changement

Social services should provide people with the means to overcome their difficulties, never make them dependent of the services nor transform them into assisted persons.

We promote projects that keep a close focus on the “beneficiaries”, with the goal that they become actors of their own change: they are the most important part of the solution. This is essential because:

They are responsible human beings and need to be treated as such.

Their participation in the process makes it much more effective.

We need to respect their dignity.

The Right Priorities

Impact et durabilité

Social organizations need to create sustainable impact: profound changes that last for a long time and outlive the service.

In order to be efficient and sustainable, a project needs to define well:

The beneficiaries and the impact they want to have on them.

The schedule for the intervention with a clear view of the results to achieve.

The Right Measurement


Coming from Silicon Valley, we are deeply aware of the necessity to use resources wisely and to account for every penny: this means that measuring impact is essential for social services and that they should be striving for everything that will help them accomplish it better.

Every social institution has to be ready to account for its activities and the use of the resources made available to them:

The services need to be properly targeted and their effect monitored closely.

The spending should be allocated in the most efficient way.

Measurements of true results have to be reported widely.